Bonjour Monsieur, c’est avec beaucoup d’intérêt que j’ai lu vos propos et je suis tout à fait d’accord avec vous. J’ai envoyé le texte suivant au parlementaire d’EU et j’espère qu’il sera distribué By Klaus Mertz, Nagelshof 4, D-22559 Hamburg, Tel 0170 328 7777 Could I ask you to make this information available to Members of the European Parliament in an appropriate form? thanks in advance ——————————- Nonsense climate policy in Europe Dear Members of the European Parliament All efforts to save the climate are based on the false assumption that the gas CO2 – as carbon dioxide – is responsible for climate change. This assumption is completely wrong and has long been refuted by serious climate researchers, but it is so firmly anchored in people’s minds that no one dares to contradict and tell the truth, not to be considered like stupid or to be marginalised. However, the following facts prove that CO2 has nothing to do with any climate change: The climate of the Earth’s history is well researched and all heat and cold periods have come about without the involvement of carbon dioxide. Fact ! The gas CO2 is – after oxygen – the second most important gas in our breathing air, because without CO2 there would be no life on this planet. In the chlorophyll of the leaves, photosynthesis from CO2 and sunlight produces the biomass for our plants, trees and all life based on them, such as animals and humans. CO2 is therefore a very useful gas and not a climate killer. In the Earth’s history, the CO2 content in the air was already much higher – and yet the plants and trees grew very well. The proportion of this gas in the air has no influence whatsoever on the climate. For mathematicians here is a simple arithmetic sample that shows how ridiculous the CO2 climate killer thesis is. The earth’s atmosphere weighs 5,000,000,000,000,000 tons of which 0.04% is CO2. Industry and transport have so far emitted about 2 million tons of CO2, which accounts for about 0.0004% of the total volume of our air. If we now want to emit approx. 100,000 t CO2 less at a cost of some hundert milliards of euro, that would be a share of 0.000002% of the weight of the earth’s atmosphere. That is a no longer measurable value, and thus also without each influence on our climate! ! ! And with that, every theory that CO2 should have something to do with our climate, should be off the table. Now understand? Mas see, who dares to spread this in the population. . . . . . With best regards – Klaus Mertz Moi, aussi j’ai installé un texte dans l’internet, voici l’adresse: Avec mes salutations respctueuses – Klaus Mertz Reply
Ce commentaire appelle un autre commentaire: Le CO2 a un rôle essentiel et existentiel dans le cycle de vie. À 400 ppm aujourd’hui il n’est pas plus un polluant (substance nocive introduite indûment dans l’environnement) qu’à 270-280 ppm pré-industriel. Mais il a aussi la propriété d’absorber le rayonnement infrarouge tel celui que la terre irradie après avoir été réchauffée par le soleil. À cette absorption d’énergie correspond une élévation de température, laquelle sera accompagnée d’une série de rétroactions d’un système climatique très complexe. On ne peut donc pas nier que le CO2 participe à la dynamique thermique du climat. La question centrale reste celle de l’intensité de cette contribution, celle de la sensitivité du climat à sa variation (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity). Il n’y a aucun consensus à ce sujet mais c’est l’alarmisme qui prédomine et qui conduit à des politiques climatiques aberrantes. Reply