I’m afraid your climate calculator is wrong. It does not take into account that if cloud area fraction is reduced LW is also reduced, by almost the same amount SW increases. Reply
It’s a simple energy balance that assumes a “layer” that plays the role of reflecting (albedo) and interrupting (clouds) the irradiation. See description with balance equations here: https://climate.mr-int.ch/index.php/en/modelling-uk/two-layers-model-uk Reply
Thanks, ok, it’s worse than I first thought, and the opposite of what I first thought. Your link to Stocker08 does not work, but I found it. It says: “Die ca. +33°C sind dem natürlichen Treibhauseffekt der Erde zuzuschreiben, der hauptsächlich durch Wasserdampf verursacht wird. Das soll an einem zweiten, leicht komplexeren EBM illustriert werden (Fig. 2.7, rechts). Wir nehmen an, dass die Abstrahlung sowohl von der Erdoberfläche auf Temperatur T1, als auch von einer höheren Fläche (“Cirrus Wolken”, die die Albedo nicht beeinflussen) auf Temperatur T2 erfolgt. Die hohe Wolkenfläche ist nicht vollständig, sondern belegt einen Anteil c der Gesamtoberfläche.” So, this cloud cover is a simulation of the greenhouse effect, high clouds not affecting SW and absorbing most of the LW. It is nothing like the real cloud cover consisting of only 10% (CAF) high clouds, 30% low clouds and the remaining in between (300mb to 700mb). The cloud radiative effect of the real 66% cloud cover is -44 W/m2 in the SW-band and +27 W/m2 in LW, so your cloudiness parameter doesn’t make sense. Change it from 0 to 1 and Ts increases more than 50 degrees, which of course is not simulating the real planet earth. When you include a cloudiness parameter of 0.66 most people will think its the real total cloud cover, not a thought experiment containing high clouds only, with an absurd 0.66 coverage. Reply
You’re right… and wrong. Yes, this model is too simple, I should have written simplistic. It even lets calculate temperatures in absence of atmosphere! But you’re wrong to try to dissect it. Everybody who is a little informed, and apparently you are, knows that its validity is near nil. But it has one quality: the relevant drivers of the energy balance (solar irradiation, albedo, cloud cover, surface emissivity; but nothing about the atmosphere and its composition) are summarized, with orders of magnitudes that can be grasped. Not more, but also not less. Fact is that cloudiness is important and its measurement over time and locations is approaching mission impossible; its role on the climate remains quite equivocal (cloud feedback at 0.3 ±0.7 [W m2 / °C], according to IPCC). 66% cloudiness ? See here: https://isccp.giss.nasa.gov/analysis/zD2BASICS/B8glbp.anomdevs.jpg (outdated website, clouds don’t pay much in climate science). But this is just an example. The whole issue is that in silico calculated confounding factors remain confounded, above all when confronted with reality. Another point: the “33 °C warming thanks to greenhouse gases” is a gross exaggeration: an atmosphere deprived of them would already get temperate by conductive and convective heat transfer between the ground and the air. However, I don’t know how to calculate such a hypothetical situation. Anyway, with just oxygen and without water and CO2, there would be no life. But attributing all 33 °C to water and CO2 gives the appearance of a higher climate sensitivity to GHGs. Thank you for the comment on the link. It had changed and is now corrected. Reply
The point is, your modelling of clouds is not “too simple”, it’s plain wrong. Like I said, it assumes all clouds (66% CAF) to be thin high clouds transparent to SW and opaque to LW, which of course is wrong. Even the sign of your result is wrong. More clouds will decrease temperature, not increase it like you claim. (the composition, high/mid/low is of course essential, but with only one cloudiness parameter we have to assume unchanged mix) I have put some CERES data here: virakkraft.com/CERES_CRE_CAF.xlsx Suggesting two methods to get an estimate closer to reality: Method 1, using the trends in CERES CRE and CAF. CRE/CAF = 181/-847 = -0.21 W/m2/%CAF Method 2, todays 66% CAF gives -17 W/m2. -17/66 = -0.26 W/m2/%CAF i.e. data from the real world indicates you need to change the CAF around 2% (or 3% of the 66% already there) to get a 0.5 W/m2 change in forcing. Your model is off by a factor of 5, and even the wrong sign. Not “too simple”. Plain wrong.
More clouds cool the surface, and less warm it ? This is new to me. In this case, Tomas Stocker’s lecture is plainly wrong (equation 2.4a,b of his lecture), and everybody’s experience of temperate cloudy nights vs. cool ones at clear sky has the wrong sign. The monthly time series of CERES CRE data on your Excel sheet has a r2 correlation coefficient of 0.0006, which means no trend at all, or any trend is a good one. This lets open the relationship between observed warming and CRE or CAF.
Well, Stocker’s lecture can be very misleading if you don’t read it carefully. c in his equation is high clouds only, which he sets to 0.6 coverage to get a proper result. 0.6 is 6 times more high clouds than on the real planet. c does not represent the cloudiness of planet earth so his equation is misleading. But again, you have to read the text. It’s an attempt to explain the greenhouse effect. To repeat. The real clouds block on average 44 W/m2 of the SW insolation and sends 27 W/m2 LW downwards. So yes, the net result is 17 W/m2 cooling. Yes, 20 years of data is too short, but the best we have as far as I know. I don’t think it’s a good option to forget about it an check again in 50 years or so.
Here is the right way to do it. https://www.e-education.psu.edu/meteo469/node/198 Replace ‘cloudiness’ with the emissivity of the atmosphere, which is what that parameter of the equation is actually representing, and Stocker is good.