A call for sounding the retreat from climate activism

Climate again!
It’s time to sound the retreat and to demobilize the troops engaged in fighting climate changes.
A list of arguments and recommendations can be downloaded here (in French and English).
To be distributed as widely as possible.
Here they are:



  1. Climate varies strongly since before the beginning of the industrial era, the causes of which are not yet elucidated (romans Warm period, Dark Age Cold Period, Medieval Optimum, Little Ice Age).
    Also unexplained are the entry and the exit from longer glaciation periods, the last ending approx. 12’000 years ago.
    The WHAT is abundantly described, while the WHY remains being hypotheses.
  2. The present warming phase (+1°C since the middle of the 19th century) is accompanied by the rise of sea levels and the melting of glaciers which start took place significantly before massive CO2 emissions were initiated by human industry.
  3. Nobody is able to determine whether a climatic change would have a detrimental of a beneficial impact on human life.
  4. A simple and verifiable calculation of thermal balance and radiative forcing indicates that CO2’s contribution to the current observed warming is less than 30%; depending on parameters it could even be close to nil.
  5. There are other, yet unexplained, much more determining causes to climatic variations against which human action is powerless.
  6. Highly sophisticated models used by IPCC are in silico fictions, not validated by actual observations; it is thus dangerous to draw conclusions from hypothetical future scenarios based on them.
  7. To drastically reduce the consumption of fossil fuels would have almost no efficacy, but would surely entail dire consequences for all social and economic development.
  8. There are other much more urgent and important priorities in the World than the hypothetical anthropowarmist hypothesis: human health, safety, education, poverty, peace, freedom, as well as the quality of our immediate environment.
  9. There is no target : nobody is able to define the “right” climate to control and the “wrong” one to avoid.
  10. It makes sense to develop other energy sources as alternatives to fossil fuels, as long as it is done in an economic and technical context that is not biased by a dogmatic view of technologies and by state dirigisme.


is much more moral than any ill fated activism.


  • Stop worrying about a catastrophic anthropogenic warming.
  • Stop blaming users of fossil fuels, source of CO2 emissions, and continue to use energy and other resources as sparingly as possible.
  • Dismantle IPCC and UNFCC: they have no more any ˝raison d’être˝.
  • Continue enjoying and improving life conditions on Earth.
  • Continue studying and monitoring climate evolution.
    But beware: it will take centuries to get — may be — conclusive theories.
  • Continue developing new and improving old technologies.
  • Continue being prepared for natural and sudden catastrophic events.
  • Adapt with pragmatism to any change that would require it.

World climates are slowly varying, due for a small part only to human causes.


No planet is to be saved, no «climate victim» has been yet identified.


Attributing any current meteorological event to climate change is a swindle.


Any World agreement on CO2 must be rejected as deceptive, useless, and inequitable.


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