
© 2018, Michel de Rougemont

MR’s Blog est multi-langue, sans pour autant offrir une traductions pour chaque entrée.
Vous pouvez y contribuer dans la langue qui vous convient.
Sauf indication contraire, l’auteur de tous les billets postés sur ce blog est Michel de Rougemont (“Michel”), Kaiseraugst, Suisse.

MR’s Blog is multilanguage, although without translation of every article.
You are invited to contribute in the language of your choice.
Unless noted otherwise, the author of all blog posts is Michel de Rougemont, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland.

MR’s Blog (“the site”) belongs and is managed by MR-int, Michel de Rougemont (“Michel”), Enterprise Consulting in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland (“MR-int”). www.mr-int.ch


Legal Notice

The site is published in various languages. Services an informations presented on the site shall be used by internet readers in the following way.

Site access is possible 24 h per day, 7 days per week with exception of force majeure and maintenace work required to maintain the site in operating conditions. Once connected to the Internet by own user’s means, the access to the site is free of charge.
It is reminded that, also with transmissions made under a security protocol, confidentiality of communication is not guaranteed on the Internet and that each user shall take appropriate measures to protect his/her data, software and content from contamination with virus and the like.

Accessible services and informations
The objective of the site is to provide services and informations to the public at large.
Part of the editorial content and of the offered services may originate from third parties and is accessible either directly on the site and through hypertext links pointing to these third parties’ sites.

Use of informations.
The edditor cannot guarantee that the information provided on the site is free of errors or omissions
Therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to use such information with caution.
MR-int recommends to you to verify all information collected on this site before taking any decision or action.

The information that readers will provide to subscribe to this site or to make comments will be only ans strictly used to identify you and enable the required connections.
This information will never be transmitted to any third party. Upon specific request made by e-mail, the contact details will be elimianted from the database of the site. However, already published comments will not be deleted.

Limits of use – Copyright
All data on the site (texts, audio, images, etc.) belong exclusively to MR-int and its providers except when noted otherwise.
Beyond personal use, any reproduction, representation or diffusion of the site content, in part or in whole and on any type of media is not allowed.
Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement may incur civil  and criminal liability.

The existence of a hyperlink to another website does not constitute an endorsement of the site or its contents. MR-int is not responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties.
Moreover, MR-int may have been unwittingly connected to other sites through hyperlinks.
MR-int does not allow such links and disclaims any responsibility for the information presented on these other sites, their content and relationships with MR-int.

In case of dispute Swiss laws are applicable.


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